Proposal Submission

✅ Submission Guidelines

?⏱ Presentations will last 20 minutes in total, followed by 10 minutes for questions and feedback. 

➡️ NOTE: The YRCL seeks to foster spaces of collaboration and in the spirit of this participatory aspect, there is a strong preference for presentations that will engage the audience in dialogue, so that we can learn from and with each other. Questions for discussion after presentations are welcome so that constructive feedback may be offered.

Proposals must be sent in PDF format via EasyChair.

✅ Your abstract should include:

  • A title
  • Clearly articulated research questions and objectives
  • Basic but informative details about method, data and (expected) results
  • At least three keywords
  • Max. 500 words, including references
  • ⚠️ Only anonymized abstracts will be considered: Author names should not appear anywhere in the text (you may cite yourself as [Author] or in the third person for previously published work). 
  • References should be formatted according to the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics Journals.

? Important dates:

  • Deadline for submissions: August 31st 
  • ⏰ DEADLINE EXTENDED! - Friday, September 8th
  • Acceptance of proposals: October 5th
  • Deadline for registration: October 15th 
  • ⏰ DEADLINE EXTENDED! - Sunday, October 22nd - Please visit Registration options for YRCL3
  • ⚠️ Conference: November 13-15 
    • Monday, November 13th - from 9:30am to 12:30pm (EST/New York) / 15:30h to 18:30h (CET/Madrid)
    • Tuesday, November 14th - from 9:30am to 12:30pm (EST/New York) / 15:30h to 18:30h (CET/Madrid)
    • Wednesday, November 15th - from 3:30am* to 12:30pm (EST/New York) / 9:30h to 18:30h (CET/Madrid)

*Only talks in CET/Madrid will be scheduled until the 9:30am of EST/New York.